Friday, August 12, 2011

"A Series of Walks"

What does it mean to walk with God? What evidence is seen in a person's life when they walk with God? This month, JLM launched a new series entitled, "A Series of Walks" to look at the dedicated and powerful walks recorded in the Bible. From the time of Creation, God's desire was to walk among and with His people. That desire hasn't changed. Join us as we explore what it really means to walk with God, and as we commit to walking with Him more often and into more places He wants to lead us.

Part 1, "A Walk in the Garden" God's original desire was to walk with His creation. In the Garden of Gethsemane, we see that God's desire hadn't changed - He still wanted close communion with His people.

Part 2, "What Does It Mean to Walk with God?" We enjoyed the Group Bible Study as everyone shared Scriptures to help answer that question. Together, we discovered that walking with someone increases our 1) Recognition of Them 2) Our Sensitivity to Them 3)Our Awareness of Them. When you walk with someone, you go the direction they go, and if you walk closely enough, arm-in-arm, you are ready to go the direction they go at a moment's notice. That's the kind of walking we've prayed for this week. God, increase our sensitivity to You and help us to walk so close, that when You go any direction, we're right in step with You.