Friday, May 4, 2012

Plant, Water, and Increase

I keep inspirational and thought-provoking quotes hanging on the wall of my office at Joyful Life Ministries. One of the quotes I look at on a regular basis is a statement by Pastor Dan Mitchell, of Columbus, Indiana:
"You are called to plant, to water, maybe both, but never to give the increase. God always takes care of the increase."
I love the fact that this straightforward statement gives me clear objectives, while helping me keep things in perspective about where my limitations end, and where God picks up and takes over.

That quote was also on my mind as I joined a group of ministers earlier this week for the newly-launched Apollos Project. The name of the project comes from the Scripture in 1 Corinthians 3:6, where Paul says - "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." The Apollos Project is dedicated to "strengthening ministers where they are planted to ensure maximum increase." The project will accomplish this, in part, through the networking and support of other ministers. This approach to ministry is also what Paul was talking about in his letter to the Church of Corinth. He had a clear understanding that the growth of the Church was not a one-man mission. He and Apollos were partners with God in the process. Paul also avoided the temptation to go after the credit in the ministries in which he was involved. Yes, he planted churches, but he was mindful and respectful of the additional ministries and ministers that had come along after him and continued to add to the process.

I am a church planter, and I am thankful for every minister that has come to Joyful Life Ministries and watered the seed we have planted here in Richmond. I am thankful for a team of kingdom-minded people working together with us to see the increase God has in store!